The Spokesmen 49 – Corn Houser


  1. […] Friday Night Special Edition of the Spokesmen Cycling Podcast discusses the kerfuffle and between Tony Kornheiser and Lance […]

  2. Giuseppe
    March 26, 2010

    Kornheiser is not a shock jock. He is a sportscaster that thinks he is funny and he is not. He surrounds himself with little minds that laugh at all his stupid rants. The best thing that could of happened was to have Lance (bigger celeb than him) put him in his place. Kornheiser came off off as a whiney little weasel. He was embarassed to get bitch slapped on his own show. Lancew did not have to get in his face, just havng talk about this incident was bad enough for the weasel who’s little rant blew up in his face. If David thinks this was a plus for Kornheiser to have Lance on his show than he clearly does not understand Kornheiser’s show. He has to be the big cheese with the funniest joke and the smartest take on all subjects. This was a classic beat down. Thank you Lance.

  3. April 4, 2010

    Dear Spokesmen,
    Love the podcast! I am part of a group of cyclists and teachers who are setting up an organization that will take groups of students on bicycle tours. The project promotes health, bicycling as a way of life, and education. We are applying for a grant from Pepsi to get us started. Grants are awarded by a public vote. Could you give us a shout out to direct some traffic to our site and get us some votes? Our website is still in its early stages, but we will be glad to return the favor and send people your way.

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